About Us

Welcome to the United Firearm Association – A New Chapter in American Patriotism

Founded as an extension of the robust and passionate community of I Love My Freedom, the United Firearm Association (UFA) stands as a beacon of liberty in the United States. Our journey began in 2018 with I Love My Freedom, an organization born out of a deep-seated respect for the nation, unwavering faith in God, and a steadfast commitment to preserving the freedoms that define the American way of life.

At UFA, our mission transcends beyond simply advocating for firearm rights; it is about upholding the core values that our parent company has championed since its inception. We are a collective of patriots who believe in the sanctity of the Second Amendment, recognizing it as a fundamental cornerstone of American liberty and safety.

Our Philosophy: Unapologetically Patriotic, Unwaveringly Faithful

In a world where the tides of opinions shift rapidly, the United Firearm Association stands firm in its beliefs and values. We are unapologetic in our love for America and unwavering in our faith in God. These principles guide us in our endeavor to educate, advocate, and empower individuals about their constitutional right to bear arms.

Education and Empowerment

Understanding firearms, their safe handling, and the responsibilities that come with gun ownership are at the heart of our philosophy. We provide comprehensive resources, training programs, and educational material to ensure our members are well-informed and prepared.

Advocacy and Community

The UFA is not just an association; it's a community. We actively engage in advocacy efforts to protect firearm rights at both the state and federal levels. Our members' voices are amplified through our united stand on critical issues affecting gun ownership and constitutional rights.

Join Us in Defending Freedom

We invite you to join the United Firearm Association – a home for those who cherish freedom, value personal responsibility, and are committed to safeguarding the rights that make us free. Together, we stand as a powerful force, dedicated to preserving the legacy and principles upon which our great nation was built.